Friday, June 20, 2008

Mission call to the Nigeria Enugu Mission

This is a blog site where we can share our experiences and pictures of our upcoming mission. We were set apart by Elder Jeffery R. Holland and Elder Steven Snow yesterday and we enter the MTC today. We will be serving in the Nigeria Enugu Mission where Jerry has been called as the Mission President.
Nigeria has 140 million people which is about half of the population of the United States. It is the size of California, Arizona, and Nevada and is the most populous country in Africa. The church membership is about 80,000 members and is one of the fastest growing areas in the world. The Nigeria Enugu mission is one of five missions in Nigeria. In our mission we will be responsible for ninety missionaries which are all from Africa except for two from Samoa. The mission covers three stakes, three districts, five mission branches and it's a wonderful part of the Lord's vineyard.
We came home in March from serving as the Africa West Area Welfare Specialists in Ghana, Africa. We have enjoyed our time with family and friends the past three months and wish we could have seen all of you.


Unknown said...

Dear President Boggess and Sister Portia,

You are such of wonderful and valuable example to us; I don’t have words to express my gratitude for the important part that all of your family has played increasing our testimonies. I was in Utah with John and Veronica that weekend and as we were walking in campus we cross paths with Bishop Boggess and his family, it was incredible; they informed us that just minutes before they have dropped you off at the MTC center across the street.

Please keep and touch and stay safe, we will miss you so much, please know that our prayers will be with you every step of the way, we know of your love for our Savior and the love that you will bring to the saints in Africa, as well as the many lives that you will be able to change by sharing the gospel and your testimony with new members.

May the Lord’s protection be upon you both, may the love of our Savior embrace you every minute of your mission it is our humble prayer in the name of Jesus Christ,

Love the Iglesias

pln said...

It was so good to see your name in my email. I have been looking for you in the church news but must have missed it. I appreciated your friendship and love in the MTC. I will be leaving TX on the 18th of July. This has been a good experience but I will be happy to be home. I have met many good people and seen changes in many lives. Best wishes in all you do. Sister Mendenhall

Kinnie Family said...

We love you and will miss you both. You are a wonderful example to all of us.
Love, Ernie, Joylyn, Kaison, Aspyn and Courtlyn Kinnie

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you guys are doing this blog. We miss you like crazy! I can't wait to see all of your adventures.

Love Alice and Scott

Daisy Chick said...

Yeah, I am so glad you were able to get your blog started. We will check it often. It was so nice to see and visit with you last week. You are in our prayers and we love you very much.

Love, David,Emily, Ethan, Grace and Logan

Diane said...

We too were so glad to see you last week. I am so sorry that I didn't get the blog set up. I am glad that Jeff did. Let me know if I can help you with it at all. I will be SO glad to. We love you guys.

wendy said...
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Doug & Beverly said...

What a wonderful picture! You do everything with class and an "eye single to the glory of God." We have been thinking of you in Ghana and pray for your safe arrival in Enugu. The articles in the Church News about new mission presidents were wonderful.

Unknown said...

We are so excited for your new adventure. It was great to see you at William's blessing. You are examples to us and so many others.
Clara, Brian, and Will

Melodie said...

Hello! Congratulations on your new mission call. I found a link to your blog from Linda Mary's blog. I look forward to hearing about your new experiences in Nigeria.

I also write a blog ( We are keeping busy. We are living in Germany and just had our fourth baby -- another little boy. We now have three boys and one girl. I was so sad that we never made it to Ghana while you were there. We are now planning to relocate to Morocco -- so we'll be on the same continent!

You have been such a wonderful influence in my life, and I am so happy for the people and missionaries in Nigeria who will be blessed by your service.
Melodie (Lambert) Hanners

Susan Yeagley said...

I am so excited for you and thrilled to be on your blog list. You will make such a difference in the lives of the Nigerian people! May the Lord bless you and keep you! (your song from Exeter Stake.)

With love,
Sue Yeagley

Jeff said...
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Jeff said...

We, your blogging fans of the world, need some updates! How is everything going? Did you make it there ok?

Tammy and Mike said...

We are excited to look for updates on your blog! It has been such a long time since we have seen you. What an exciting and wonderful experience you have in store. We will be thinking of you often and send our love to you! Take care!